Birds, Leps, Observations & Generalities - the images and ramblings of Mark Skevington. Sometimes.

Thursday, 25 June 2020

Brown-tail On the List ....

.... tra - la la - la la

Ha, bet you can't stop singing that now. Anyways, bleary eyed early this morning I had enough wits about me to give this a second glance and bung it in a pot for later .....

Smallish, very fluffy thorax, no black mark at tornus .... must be a Brown-tail? ....

Checking it properly early this evening after work, and yes - it is. New for the garden list too.

The trap has been quite busy the last couple of nights, though apart from the above nothing unexpected. Heart and Club is now annual, Coronet has quickly become common, micros relatively thin on the ground though. Tonight likely to be good too, then I expect tomorrow will be more thunderous downpours. I'm hoping to get out at the weekend though, one day or the other - I have local targets in mind.

Marbled Beauty

Beautiful Hook-tip

Minor agg. - a nice looking individual I reckon

Heart and Club

Crambus perlella

Double Square-spot


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