Birds, Leps, Observations & Generalities - the images and ramblings of Mark Skevington. Sometimes.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Mixed Bag

These are more from Croft Hill on Sunday ....

Adela reaumurella - yes, a moth!

Lochmaea crataegi - found on Hawthorn

Neocoenorrhinus aequatus - again fround on Hawthorn

.... and these are from down the lane in Whetstone later the same day  ...

Leistus spinibarbis

Nebria brevicollis

Leg detail showing the fine hairs on the tarsi

Pied Shieldbug

Common Flower Bug

Nursery Web Spider

Turf Running Spider

And these are from late this afternoon, at Gilroes Cemetery where I was looking (unsuccessfully) for one fungi though I did see lots of St George's Mushrooms instead.

Dock Bug

Sloe Bug

Lords and Ladies

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