Birds, Leps, Observations & Generalities - the images and ramblings of Mark Skevington. Sometimes.

Friday 15 June 2012

Beetles & Bits

A selection of beetles just about wraps up with the various bits and groups from last weekend, but I also managed a quick but productive visit to Huncote Embankment yesterday evening before the horrible weather moved in so I'll also post some stuff from that too.

First up, four beetles from Ketton Quarry ....

Cryptocephalus aureolus

Wasp Beetle

Cantharis livida

Denticollis linearis

And three from Whetstone ....

Raspberry Beetle

Grammoptera ruficornis

Neocrepidodera transversa

I actually went to Huncote Embankment with a specific reason - Wild Liquorice - though I failed to find it on this quick visit. Possibly I wasn't looking in the right area, more likely my pathetic botanical skills failed me as I just didn't have the right search image in my brain. I did find some other plants/flowers though .....

Field Penny-cress

Bee Orchid - really pleased to find these flowering again this year, plus I found them in three different spots

Field Pansy

Creeping Cinquefoil

I also potted a few inverts, but perhaps the most interesting is this stonking hoverfly ....

Helophilus trivittatus


davidearlgray said...

Hi Mark,are the Bee orchids in the same general area?

Skev said...

I actually found them in three spots Dave - most spikes on the usual slope, in the long grass on the left at the top of the first steps and next to the fence opposite the second steps (up from the pond). They were all pretty much gone over apart from the ones in the long grass (which seemed an odd place to find them).