Superb warm sunny weather yesterday had me sitting around in the garden drinking tea and watching the world go by. In between cups of tea I pointed the camera at a few of the visitors. We've had constant squawking from up to three Starling broods just lately, with the recently fledged young chasing their parents and constantly begging for food.
juv Starling
I've carried on topping up the feeders through the spring this year for a
change, thinking it might help the parents, and it's worked to some
Goldfinch looking smart, but .....
... Great Tit and ...
... Blue Tit, both looking haggard from the effort of rearing young.
Robin going for a traditional caterpillar and ignoring the feeders, ...
... and Dunnock foraging around the lawn as usual.
Whilst pottering about the garden I also found two hoverfly maggots muching their way through aphids. And there are lots of aphids this year so good luck to the various larvae that will feed on them - should be good for ladybirds and lacewings too.
Probably Meliscaeva auricollis, living on aphids on Wood Avens
A Syrphus sp., living on aphids on a viburnum bush
I also found this tiny jumper in the house - new for the house and garden list, but hard to get a decent snap!
Euophrys frontalis