Birds, Leps, Observations & Generalities - the images and ramblings of Mark Skevington. Sometimes.

Sunday 2 June 2019

One for the Treble

The garden traps were, relatively, bulging this morning after a humid and overcast night. Luckily the cat woke me up at around 4:30 so I managed to go through them before the pair of Robins that have been knocking around. For the first time this year (I think) I ran both the synergetic combo and a 125W MV, with the former knocking the spots off of the latter. To be honest I don't think I'll bother running two traps much this year; the usual spot for my MV is now too sheltered with an overhanging sallow from next door. We're likely to get the garden sorted this year so I'll try and factor in a new trap spot during that.

Thought I had a garden tick with Treble Lines in the synergetic trap, but on checking I found I'd had one before in May 2009. Other highlights were an Alder Moth (a garden tick last year) and the 6th garden records and individuals for both Treble-bar and Maiden's Blush.

I'm quite possibly the only moth recorder in Leics. that is glad the conditions haven't held today. It's still warm and overcast but it's also very windy and wet. I've got an early start for work so no trap tonight.

Here's a selection of rushed shots.

Treble Lines - one of two

Alder Moth

Treble-bar (note protruding claspers helpfully confirming male of this species)

Peppered Moth

Scorched Wing

Cherry Bark Moth

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