Birds, Leps, Observations & Generalities - the images and ramblings of Mark Skevington. Sometimes.

Saturday, 15 March 2025

Mineur de feuilles

Weather had been cold and crap all week so nothing new to write about. But in the vain hope of trying to maintain some blogging momentum of sorts, here's a few randomly selected leaf mines from last autumn. I was quite pleased with capturing photos using the LED light pad I have to backlight the mines, and creating two or three photo collages to show the overall mine habitus and details of the mine and/or larva. I did loads of these (see my Bluesky feed), this selection is just because they are still on my desktop rather than neatly filed away ....

Not a moth, this one is coleopteran - Rhamphus oxyacanthae
Fosse Meadows 23/10/2024

Stigmella tiliae
Burbage Common 14/09/2024

Stigmella oxyacanthella
Hill Hole Quarry 20/09/2024

Stigmella atricapitella (plus x2 Phyllonorycter sp. mines)
Fosse Meadows 23/10/2024

Stigmella catharticella
Fosse Meadows 23/10/2024

Stigmella ruficapitella
Hill Hole Quarry 20/09/2024

 This track has got nothing to do with leaf mines, other than the title shares three letter with leaf ....

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