Weather had been cold and crap all week so nothing new to write about. But in the vain hope of trying to maintain some blogging momentum of sorts, here's a few randomly selected leaf mines from last autumn. I was quite pleased with capturing photos using the LED light pad I have to backlight the mines, and creating two or three photo collages to show the overall mine habitus and details of the mine and/or larva. I did loads of these (see my Bluesky feed), this selection is just because they are still on my desktop rather than neatly filed away ....
Not a moth, this one is coleopteran - Rhamphus oxyacanthae
Fosse Meadows 23/10/2024
Stigmella tiliae
Burbage Common 14/09/2024
Stigmella oxyacanthella
Hill Hole Quarry 20/09/2024
Stigmella atricapitella (plus x2 Phyllonorycter sp. mines)
Fosse Meadows 23/10/2024
Stigmella catharticella
Fosse Meadows 23/10/2024
Stigmella ruficapitella
Hill Hole Quarry 20/09/2024
This track has got nothing to do with leaf mines, other than the title shares three letter with leaf ....
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