Birds, Leps, Observations & Generalities - the images and ramblings of Mark Skevington. Sometimes.

Sunday 29 March 2020

The Annual Race

There is an annual, undeclared and undocumented contest in our household. It goes like this: I notice the shoots and early life-signs of a wildflower, which I am hopelessly unable to identify. I hope to nurture it to a flowering stage to give me a chance. But, if Nichola spots it before that point there is every liklihood that it will be declared a weed and be unceremoniously pulled. However this year it's all a bit odd. Late in the autumn, we literally cut every shrub and bush down to bare shoots - a very hard prune indeed. And this was with a purpose, as we fully expected by now to be in the midst of giving the garden a full structural reworking, possibly including a soak-away, probably including a new lawn, definitely including new fence panels and patio and absolutely including a load of new planting. And then the winter and early spring was so wet that our garden was heavily waterlogged (hence the need for a soak-away). And now it's just started to dry up enough we've been locked down for who knows how long.

So there are lots of bare patches of disturbed soil and the weeds wildflowers have got a massive head start on Nichola. Not that it helps my chances, but there are some I know or can guess at already*.

Wood Avens


Procumbent Yellow-sorrel


This self-set seedling in a pot looks very Hawthorn-like.

Red Dead-nettle - having been blasted by pressure-washed patio debris in the week

* I claim all credit for any correctly identified plant-life, and deny all knowledge of any that are incorrectly identified.

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