Scaup, diving duck, eats molluscs. And bread.
Also knocking about were loads of Sand Martins (as in more than I could be arsed to count or even estimate) and a few Swallows. A couple of singing Chiffchaffs and Willow Warblers also noted.

Willow Warbler
As ever at this site, the terminally moronic were out in force with carrier bags full of vermin bait.

This daft woman made several return trips to her car to retrieve yet more bags of fodder. The wellies were to wade through mountains of goose shit.
Are these fuckers completely brain dead? There are now more Mute Swans at this site than Abbotsbury, probably. I can only assume that none of them can be bothered with leaving the daily hand-outs to breed. And of course there are the bastard geese and their mutant off-spring.

Avian equivalent of the X-Men mutants. Shooting this ugly fucker would be an act of humanity, a mercy killing, common sense.
I can't think why, but this place is openly infested with rats and I also noted (without much difficulty) that there appears to be a big local population of sociable Carrion Crows - loads of them acting uncharacteristically like Jackdaws or Rooks.

Ratty. None of your Wind in the Willows bollocks mind, a proper big fucking rat.
Quite a few fat pigeons knocking about as well - Woodpigeons that is, at least there aren't hordes of Feral Pigeons knocking about there as well (or at least not today).

"Where's the bread, where's the bread, bread bread bread"

"Bugger, I've walked in goose shit."
Mark, I think that local woman is obessed with the local population of Mute Swans,and seems to feed them everyday!
Do I qualify as 'terminally moronic' then for having thrown some bread (and a stale scone) at the Scaup and its friends on Sunday? At least our offerings were home-made rather than the Tesco 'value' sliced white crap that they usually have to put up with!
Yes. What's wrong with people like you. Couldn't be arsed to gather bottom-dwelling molluscs for a proper Scaup meal then? No doubt you spend your Saturday afternoons feeding the birds around the town hall square for tuppence a bag ;-)
It's not the bird-feeding per se that pisses me off, just the sheer volume of it at such localised sites with poor quality white-sliced - promotes vermin and in the main doesn't do too much good for the birds either. Groby Pool used to be the same near the steps before the doggers took over. Swithland Res. causeway also gets a lot of bread-wielding traffic but nothing like the volume at WCPS.
I say shoot the geese, drive away the swans and hang the do-gooding fuckwits with too much bread in carrier bags. In a balanced moderate manner.
I couldn't find any molluscs dwelling in my bottom, so it had to be bread I'm afraid.
Personally, I'd rather people fed ducks than drove their stupid souped-up Corsas and Saxos through residential areas at 90 mph, or advertised their appalling taste in music through tinny phone speakers in public places, or swaggered around like testoterone-fuelled apes whilst watching a bunch of obscenely overpaid Neanderthal retards kicking (or throwing) a ball around a field (I could go on...). They're the sort of fuckwits I'd like to see hanged. Also in a balanced, moderate manner, of course.
Or even testosterone-fuelled! My typing, which is poor at the best of times, completely goes out of the window when I go into rant mode!
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