Birds, Leps, Observations & Generalities - the images and ramblings of Mark Skevington. Sometimes.

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Giant lacewing type thing

Back on the 03/06/2011 session at Charnwood Lodge, one of my traps had an odd looking giant lacewing type thing in it, just over an inch long. This is it in fact (click for giant) ....

I've subsequently learned that it is actually a Giant Lacewing (Osmylus fulvicephalus). You'd think they'd come up with a more suitable vernacular .....


Bennyboymothman said...

That car looks a tad sporty for mothing I must say! have you had it round the top gear test track yet? :D lovely Hornet moh pics, they are a real treat.

Skev said...

Thanks Ben. You're right that the car is not an ideal mothing mobile in most respects but I figured that this time I'd go for something that was a bit better for the 99% of the time that it is in normal use. It was good to see that I can still fit everything in though, even with the built in digital amp and subwoofer in the rear side panels ......