I've not posted for a few weeks. It's not because I've done nothing - I've done lots, just none of it interesting for this blog although that wouldn't normally stop me posting it. I've enjoyed some Football matches home and away, I've been down to that there London for a fantastic long weekend that included seeing the Moulin Rouge! musical and some historical structures that I've not been arsed to go to before, been out for drinks and meals, and I've been out to see to Light Up Leicester festival. But I've been feeling massively despondent about a lot of things. I can't believe we still have the same Government; I can't believe how far we are all being screwed over whilst energy and oil companies turn over stupid profits, and I can't believe that our 'response' to Putin is so lame (and don't get me wrong: I mean the slow pace of muted sanctions and the reticence to open up to refugees).
If I'm really honest with myself; I'm normally quite a resilient bloke, healthily cynical of a lot of things, but just lately I feel a bit defeated. We are spiralling to hell in a handcart on all fronts, yet my Twitter feed seems full of arguments with, reference to and blatant support of complete fucking arseholes. I should just ignore social media, but tucked in and around all the nonsense are pieces about things I am interested in. I could just try to mentally and technically start blocking out the shite, but then I'm just being a bit Ostrich about it all. My go-to respite would normally be getting out and looking at something but weather, fatigue and a lack of energy is holding me back. I just need to shake myself down and force myself out.
I ran the garden moth trap for the first time in a while on Thursday night and ended up with a decent number and range of early season moths, albeit nothing exciting or unexpected except perhaps this Grey Shoulder-knot ....
It's all a bit much, isn't it? I only look at the news at specific points in the day now and pretty much stay off social media as the severity of the situation both national and international (not to mention climate change and ecosystem collapse) is too great to be constantly exposed to it. Just trying to find joy in the little things...
It's almost like self-harming looking at Twitter! I know I should just ditch it, and then ....
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