My garden used to attract a lot more butterflies in the past when the adjacent embankment was more grassy than scrubby, both in terms of species and numbers. I used to get skippers (Large, Small and Essex), and the occasional Common Blue and Small Heath amongst the expected commoner species. These days I get very few butterflies, and in a typical year I see 12 species (Brimstone, Large, Small and Green-veined White, Peacock, Painted Lady, Red Admiral, Small Tortoiseshell, Comma, Orange-tip, Holly Blue & Speckled Wood).
Over the weekend and on Monday, during sunny spells, I noted that there was a steady procession of butterflies visiting our flowering buddleia which is doing quite well this year. Nothing exciting, but at least three different Painted Lady on each day. Getting good photos in the breeze was another matter!
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