It's not often that a moth makes me jump and shout/swear, but believe me this one did ..
Red Sword-grass!!!!
Only the third modern record for VC55, completely unexpected and by far the highlight of a short trapping session at Pickworth Great Wood. Needless to say, it's the first one I've ever seen.
I ran 3 x 125W MV traps and the 80W actinic from 18:30 - 21:00. Temps started at 8.5°C, dropping to 7°C , and it was mainly cloudy, still and dry. The first hour was relatively busy but it soon steadied and by the time I packed up only the odd new moth appeared. The Red Sword-grass was picked up within the first half-hour - had this not of happened I may well have given it another hour but I reckoned I'd used all my luck for the night.
The actual target species for the night was Small Brindled Beauty - still a rare species in VC55 though now well established at PGW. Otherwise I was just hoping to pick up a few late winter / early spring species.
Total catch was 191 of 18sp.
Ypsolopha ustella 10
Agonopterix heracliana 1
Tortricodes alternella 61
Acleris ferrugana/notana 2
1659 Yellow Horned (
Achlya flavicornis galbanus) 26
1663 March Moth (
Alsophila aescularia) 1
1746 Shoulder Stripe (
Anticlea badiata) 4
1925 Small Brindled Beauty (Apocheima hispidaria) 19
1926 Pale Brindled Beauty (
Phigalia pilosaria) 14
1930 Oak Beauty (
Biston strataria) 2
1932 Spring Usher (
Agriopis leucophaearia) 4
1934 Dotted Border (
Agriopis marginaria) 6
1947 Engrailed (
Ectropis bistortata) 4
2187 Common Quaker (
Orthosia cerasi) 4
2190 Hebrew Character (
Orthosia gothica) 12
2241 Red Sword-grass (Xylena vetusta) 1
2256 Satellite (
Eupsilia transversa) 28
2258 Chestnut (
Conistra vaccinii) 1
Small Brindled Beauty
Ypsolopha ustella
Spring Usher
Spring Usher
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